Governor Cuomo Impeachment-SENIORGATE

Poughkeepsie, NY- “Over 15,000 New York seniors have died and have no voice to say why and we have to be their voice. These people did not die due to violence, or by accident, they died by a decision made by the Governor of the State of New York, Andrew Cuomo. That decision was to put COVID-19 patients into nursing home facilities throughout New York State, which led to the deaths of thousands.” said Chairman Michael McCormack. “There needs to be justice for the people who died and the families that they have left behind to grieve.” continued McCormack.

McCormack continued to say “The truth is clear and has finally come to light that the Governor’s administration was at fault here, and that they knew what happened, and tried to cover up their actions. How arrogant they must be to try and sweep away people’s lives in a blink of an eye. It is immoral and they must pay the price of their egregious actions. Every New Yorker with a conscience should join Assemblyman Kieran Lalor, and his fellow members of the Republican Assembly Caucus, in asking for the impeachment of Governor Cuomo. Assemblyman Lalor has a petition going to do just that and I ask that you sign it and be part of justice for New York.”

McCormack continued to say “it is time to stand up for justice, it is time to stand up for what is right, it is time to stand up for each other, and make sure that this horrendous actions like this NEVER happens again. Sign the petition and get involved. This is not about any political party, it is about people, and what is right and wrong. The decision the Governor’s administration made was deathly wrong.”

Here is the link to Assemblyman Lalor’s petition to sign:

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