Statement from DCGOP: Toll Hikes for the 5 Hudson Bridges

Contact: Katherine Delgado (914) 960-6050
“Albany bureaucrats can’t stop picking our pockets. Just this week Albany was forced to stop ramming new license plates down our throats. Now they want to hike our bridge tolls.

Today The Daily Freeman reported that the NYS Bridge Authority Board of Commissioners convened a meeting to talk about raising toll prices. This is the same Bridge Authority that Joe Ruggiero ran for nine years.

We already knew the Bridge Authority was a transportation disaster under Ruggiero’s leadership. Commuter times got worse every year, never-ending construction projects did nothing about the traffic backups, and motor-vehicle traffic injuries are the third leading injury-related cause of death. Now we know Ruggiero’s Bridge Authority is also a financial disaster. Wouldn’t you think there would be better planning to fund major capital projects? If you’re Joe Ruggiero, you apparently just do nothing and leave it to your successor to hike tolls.

If Joe Ruggiero left the Bridge Authority in such poor financial condition from years of mismanagement, what kind of leader would he be for Dutchess County? He should go back to the Bridge Authority and fix his mess that’s about to take more money out of our taxpayers’ pockets,” said Katy Delgado, press spokeswoman for DCGOP.


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